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The village of the Lucanian warriors 

Like the guardian of a lighthouse, the village of Roccagloriosa rises on the surrounding territory, between the valleys of the Mingardo and Bussento rivers, characterized by the Mediterranean scrub. A perfect combination of archaeology and nature.

To discover the archaeological area we will take a walk through the countryside, admiring the ruins of an ancient Lucanian settlement – a pre-Romans tribe. To this day, a particular chamber-type tomb, the mighty walls and the foundations of few buildings, still remain.                           While, in the modern residential area two little museums host the precious artefacts brought to light during the excavation campaigns: vases, arms, refined ornaments in gold, precious inscriptions on thin gold plate in the Oscan language. These findings let us to reconstruct the Lucanian’s community identity, its social structure and in particular the prominence of a warrior class.

DURATION  2 hours and 30 minutes

The guided tour encompasses the visit to the two Museums and the walk to the archaeological area, 2 km away.

WHERE  Roccagloriosa (SA)



Book a guided visit to Roccagloriosa and discover with me also the majestic Certosa di San Lorenzo, in Padula, about 50 km away. If you are a nature lover, reach the WWF Oasis of Morigerati and the Capelvenere Oasis in Casaletto Spartano, 20 km away.

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